CBD Oil for Dog: Frequent Questions Answered

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There are many questions about the effectiveness of cannabidiol (CBD) oil for dogs. CBD is derived from marijuana plants, but it’s non-psychoactive and won’t get your pet high. Here are some frequently asked questions with regards to CBD Oil for Dogs

1. How does CBD work?

A large part of our brain is dedicated to rewarding us with feelings of pleasure. After we’ve done something good, like eating a delicious meal or enjoying some fun entertainment, our brain tells us through releasing the hormone dopamine (a neurotransmitter in the brain) that we want more of whatever it was that made us feel great.

Cannabinoids such as CBD and THC bind themselves to these receptors to create the sensation of being rewarded. This promotes feelings of well-being and can reduce pain, not to mention it also reduces nausea, spasms, seizures, anxiety, inflammation, improves circulation, and more!

2. So CBD is like marijuana?

No; CBD is entirely different from THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). THC is psychoactive, which means it binds to receptors in the brain and makes you feel high. It is also illegal in most States. CBD however does not directly bind to brain receptors (CB1 or CB2) and does not produce a ‘high’.

3. So how do I give my dog CBD?

The best way to introduce CBD oil to your dog is through tinctures which are pure, highly concentrated drops of hemp extract. Each drop contains all the phytonutrients and healthy goodness found in the original plant.

4. How can I give my dog CBD?

Adding just one or two drops to your pet’s food every day will provide them with all the CBD their body needs. If you have a puppy or kitten, feel free to add the drops directly into their mouth.

5. Is CBD harmful to my dog?

CBD is not only safe for dogs but will also benefit them in various ways – it can be used as an anti-inflammatory, helps ease pain and get rid of nausea. It is also a neuroprotectant and can help reduce the effects of brain damage through aging or injury.

6. What are the benefits of CBD oil for dogs?

Some of the well-known benefits of CBD oil highlighted on the website https://www.kitsapdailynews.com/national-marketplace/best-cbd-oil-for-dogs-2021 include:

Pain and Inflammation

CBD oil is a natural anti-inflammatory. It is even more powerful than over-the-counter drugs such as ibuprofen (Advil) or Tylenol since inflammation occurs on a much deeper level.

CBD oil can ease pain not only for arthritis but also with other ailments such as hip dysplasia, intervertebral disc disease (IVDD), lupus, and more.


CBD can also help reduce nausea through its neuroprotectant quality. It’s great for your pet to have on hand when they are being treated for cancer or anytime another illness is causing an upset stomach.

CBD has also been used to treat dogs with epilepsy by limiting or preventing epileptic seizures.


CBD oil can reduce anxiety and ease nervousness through its ability to bind to serotonin receptors (5-HT1A) in the brain. It has also shown promising signs of improving obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).


CBD oil can be used to stop cancer cells from proliferating. The National Cancer Institute has found that CBD successfully stopped the growth of lung cancer, breast cancer, and glioma (brain tumor) cells.

7. How long does it take for CBD to work?

This depends on the dosage given and the weight of your pet. A small dose should start working almost immediately. For larger dogs, it could take up to two hours for the CBD oil to get into your pet’s system and start providing relief.


CBD is a wonderful alternative to highly addictive and harsh pharmaceutical drugs.

It has been known to ease pain, reduce anxiety, fight cancer cells, improve mobility and so much more! The best CBD products come from plants that have been organically grown. They contain a rich color spectrum of terpenes and phytonutrients which give their natural strength and durability while providing maximum benefits.